USC Summer Residential & Commuter Experience

USC Residential and Commuter Experience

Residential and commuting students have the opportunity to experience life as a USC student during the four-week program.


The USC Student Health Center provides medical services to all students on the University Park Campus during regular office hours. If medical attention is required, students will be escorted to the Student Health Center by a residential advisor.
Students have access to the University Libraries. Because the programs of study are short in duration, students may enjoy reading rooms, but not borrowing privileges.
Students can access public computers and printing facilities in the computer labs and libraries on campus. They also may bring a laptop computer and connect to the USC secured wireless network.
The USCard is a student ID that serves as students’ primary form of identification and allows access to campus facilities. All USC Summer Program participants are required to apply for a USCard.



A team of USC Summer Programs Residential Advisors, including the director of USC Summer Programs, live in the residential halls with students and are available 24 hours a day.

USC Department of Public Safety patrols the university campus and off-campus properties, providing 24/7 patrol services for the campus community.

All residence and dining halls require a USCard (student ID) for access.


Aside from learning and studying, USC Summer Programs students will be living like a college student in one of our premier residential halls.

We value a culture of building a community where students can meet other students from all over the world. Roommate and floormate assignments are gender-specific, based on the gender identification submitted within applications. Please note that roommate requests cannot be accommodated.

Residential students must be inside their assigned residential hall by 10:00 p.m. Monday – Friday, including the weekends. The program will observe a “lights out” policy in effect at 11:30 p.m. each night.

Note: Residential students are not allowed to have a personal vehicle on campus, see the Letter of Understanding.


Residential students will have a meal plan during their time on campus. The plan will cover three meals a day at a USC campus dining hall.


If a student’s primary residence is in Los Angeles County, CA, or Orange County, CA, they may choose to commute to campus for USC Summer Programs.

Commuter students will be required to attend all academic sessions. They are also encouraged to participate in weeknight activities (with parent permission) and weekend excursions.


Commuting students are required to attend all class sessions and academic field trips. Students must travel to and from all academic and recreational field trips on USC Summer Programs transportation. Students do not have the option to be dropped off at or picked up from any field trip location.

At no time shall a commuting student drive another student, either commuter or residential, on or off campus without written consent from the parents or guardian of the driver and passenger. In addition, no commuter student shall allow another commuting or residential student to be in or on their personal vehicle.


Commuting students are encouraged to participate in the Saturday excursions. Commuting students must arrive to campus prior to the excursion to take the bus with the other USC Summer Programs students; they do not have the option to be dropped off at or picked up from any field trip location.

Note: For the amusement park field trips, students return to campus at approximately 12:00 a.m. We strongly encourage parents or guardians to drive students home on those days.

These policies should not be considered all-inclusive. Parents or guardians of commuting students are encouraged to contact Sonny Hayes, director of USC Summer Programs, at to discuss specific expectations for commuting students enrolling in USC Summer Programs.


Commuter meal plans are not offered, however, commuters are encouraged to eat with their peers in the dining halls. Students can bring cash, cards and apple pay to buy lunch at any of the retail dining and cafes on campus. Additionally, students can bring ATM/debit cards to buy lunch at any of the eateries located within the USC Summer Programs’ Campus Boundaries Map. Cash is not accepted at USC dining halls.


Commuting students may purchase parking through USC Transportation. Rates, availability, and purchasing information is available online. McCarthy Way Parking Structure is the closest parking to the area of campus where USC Summer Programs staff will be located.

Parking permits can be picked up from the USC Transportation office (located in McCarthy Way Parking Structure) during its regular business hours.