From AP Classes to Pre-College Courses, Here’s How to Boost Your College Applications

While academic performance is crucial for any potential college student, your application should also reflect other attributes that make you an ideal candidate for your top-choice university.

Many high school students dream about attending specific universities, but the admission requirements can often seem daunting. Even those with competitive GPAs may worry that their college applications will not distinguish themselves from the sea of other applicants.

Still, there are numerous ways to enhance your college application that will help you stand out. While academic performance is crucial, your application should also reflect other attributes that make you an ideal candidate for your top-choice university.

Highlighting unique hobbies, demonstrating leadership skills or leveraging connections established through pre-college programs can all showcase the diverse qualities you bring to the table.

These additional qualities will not only enhance your application, but also increase your chances of receiving scholarships, securing an early decision acceptance or tipping the scales in your favor if your grades are less than perfect.

By investing in the below strategies, you can significantly boost your college applications and position yourself ahead of the competition.

Ways to Boost Your College Application with Classes

Take AP classes. While earning top grades is crucial, excelling in AP courses is even more impressive. Doing so demonstrates your academic capabilities and indicates your preparedness and enthusiasm for college-level coursework. Plus, you can earn college credit early, making it a win-win option.

Seek out research projects. For students aiming to major in science or technology, participating in research projects is an excellent way to showcase your interest and capabilities. Look into local research internships or inquire with your teachers about potential opportunities. While you may not engage in high-level work initially, you will gain valuable insights into the research process and develop a deeper understanding of the field.

Do online courses. Your transcript will reflect all your high school classes, but there are numerous other educational opportunities you can include. Self-paced, online learning is more accessible than ever. Consider taking a coding class, pursuing culinary lessons, studying history, enrolling in a film-editing seminar or exploring any other subject that interests you. The course doesn’t need to be directly related to your intended major; they can demonstrate a love of learning, a breadth of knowledge and the ability to conduct independent research — all qualities that colleges highly value.

Pursue independent studies with teachers. If a particular subject interests you or you enjoy working with a specific teacher, consider developing an independent study plan together. This not only allows you to delve deeper than your standard coursework, but it also proves your passion, independence and proactive attitude.

Ways to Boost Your College Application with Demonstrated Interest

Enroll in a pre-college program. Pre-college programs allow you to experience college life before you even apply. Many offer the chance to live on campus and take classes, giving you a true sense of what it would be like to be a student there. By enrolling in a pre-college program, you can signal a clear interest in the school or major, explore whether it’s the right fit for you and ultimately prove to colleges that you will thrive in their environment.

USC, for example, offers both on-campus summer programs and online pre-college exploration courses for high schoolers. Potential applicants can dive into a variety of fields, including programs focused on screenwriting, finance, environmental studies, cybersecurity, political science, aging and more.

Attend seminars, Q&A sessions and workshops. Many schools will offer plenty of seminars and workshops for high school students so they can tour the campus, meet educators and ask important questions. Participating in these activities helps you understand what you can gain from your experience at the college and shows the admissions team that you are genuinely interested in becoming part of their community.

Participate in interviews. While some universities require interviews as part of their admissions process, others offer them as an optional add-on. If you do have the opportunity to participate in an interview, seize it. Doing so will provide valuable face time with the admissions office, transforming you from a mere application into a personable candidate. It allows you to discuss your strengths, experiences and qualities that may not be fully captured in your written application.

Build relationships with admissions. The admissions office plays a crucial role in determining your acceptance into a university. Establishing a connection with them can make you more memorable and demonstrate your genuine interest in the school. You can build these relationships through campus visits, phone calls, emails with questions, attending events and, of course, participating in pre-college programs. These connections will showcase your passion for the institution and possibly increase your chances of admission.

Ways to Boost Your College Application with Extracurriculars

Seek leadership roles. While being a member of a team or club exhibits your passion and skills, taking on a leadership position — such as president, treasurer or another role — sets you apart further. It showcases qualities like reliability, commitment, interpersonal skills and initiative. If given the chance to lead an extracurricular group, embrace the opportunity as it can significantly enhance your profile and illustrate your strengths to colleges.

Cultivate unique hobbies. Colleges value well-rounded individuals who have diverse interests and strengths beyond academic achievements. Although any significant commitment outside of schoolwork is commendable to admissions offices, having a particularly distinctive passion can leave a lasting impression. Whether you develop websites and apps independently, excel at solving Rubik’s cubes at record speeds or are fluent in a rare language, highlighting these niche hobbies on your application can set you apart and underscore your individuality. Showcasing your unique interests can distinguish your application in the competitive college admissions process.

Engage in community service. As you embark on your college journey, you become an integral part of your school’s community. Universities value individuals who contribute to and enrich campus culture by giving back. Whether it’s picking up trash, serving meals to the hungry, planting trees or organizing fundraisers, actively participating in community service activities can significantly enhance your college application and demonstrate your dedication to making a positive impact.

Seek work or internship opportunities. All extracurricular activities, including paid jobs, contribute to your overall profile. Holding any job displays responsibility and reliability, while different types of jobs highlight various skills. (For example, customer service positions showcase people skills.) Securing a role or internship related to your desired field of study can be particularly advantageous. If you’re interested in the creative arts or education, look for an internship at a local museum. If business school is your goal, aim for a role as an assistant manager. These experiences not only bolster your application, but also provide valuable insights and practical skills in your chosen field.

Enhance your application with supplementals. Yes, most college applications are submitted through the Common App or follow specific guidelines, but there are additional elements you can include to make your application stand out. Consider adding a personal website you built, a professional portfolio or a YouTube video project that highlights your strengths and achievements. These supplementals can provide a unique and comprehensive view of your capabilities and passions, helping you distinguish yourself from other applicants.

Always secure letters of recommendation. Another effective way to make your application stand out is by securing persuasive letters of recommendation. Ask trusted mentors who genuinely know you (excluding family members) and who can both 1) communicate effectively and 2) highlight what makes you unique. These written testimonials can significantly strengthen your application by providing a compelling case for why you would be a valuable addition to the college community.

Explore all course offerings from USC Pre-College Programs today.