Media Literacy in an Age of Misinformation

Become a “Summer Trojan” and earn college credit.

Democracies relies on enlightened and engaged citizens who can critically analyze the range of information and content disseminated from an equally wide range of sources and platforms. This hands-on, interdisciplinary course teaches media literacy through thoughtful media consumption and creation, empowering students to navigate and ethically contribute to an ever-changing news and media landscape.

“Media Literacy in an Age of Misinformation” trains students to become discriminating news and media consumers and contributors by learning the modes of digital media production and distribution. We will explore the economic, technical, and storytelling considerations that go into a making a range of media content, from hard news to viral TikToks. In doing so, students will demystify creators’ motivations, challenge traditional notions of objectivity in journalism, and not only see a piece of content for what is (or isn’t) but make their own intentional and impactful media. The critical thinking skills developed in this course will be applicable to many fields of study, from science to the arts.

June 16 – July 13, 2024


9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Classes in session
12:00 p.m. – 1:30 p.m. Lunch
1:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. Classes in session


This four-week course examines new avenues of civic participation and the critical importance of ethical standards in communicating messages through thoughtful digital media creation.

You will be immersed in the tools and techniques of filmmaking, digital photography/image manipulation, and audio storytelling. This course emphasizes experiential learning, working in teams, and peer critique. It will combine hands-on, in-studio production with field trips to cultural destinations throughout Los Angeles.

If you have little to no experience in digital media production, you will finish the course having created video, photo, and audio projects at a high standard with professional equipment and software in our state-of-the-art facilities.

Topic of Study

  • Digital media literacy
  • Media studies and aesthetics
  • Visual journalism
  • News and documentary
  • Video production
  • Audio storytelling
  • Digital photography


USC Summer Programs provides high school students the opportunity to explore their passions at the college level. It brings together a community of aspiring students who push each other to perform at their best.
Gavin L.
USC Summer Program 2021